A daily hustle and bustle, papers spread everywhere, the coffee machine filling cups after cups, buzz of chatter, is what a weekday routine morning looks like. It’s the 21st-century rule for an office setting, they say, “the cleaner and pleasant the office, the better the work outcome”. The employees swear by it, taking a look into their office which the employer takes pride in. An office, not by the looks of it, a large corridor of glass-enclosed workstations, see-through yet soundproof, private yet visible to the eyes, in case you want to wave out to your colleague working next to you a Hi.
Personalized chambers which you can decorate the way you want. A splendid teak finish of varnished interiors. Dark yet cheerfully lit work area with the right amount of sunbeam traces. Trailing the work area are must have fresh gardenia adding a touch of that extra oxygen for stressful discussions. A boardroom that is both royal and rich in its looks fit for a king and his subjects. An office we all would love to work in.
Work-life balance has got a whole new dimension. The idea of work has never looked so easy. Let’s set the bar higher for a well-balanced and sensuous work environment.
1. Textured colour glasses for office cabins
2. Textured Carpet
3. Yellow coloured sheets for partition
4. Wooden cabinets
5. Grey colour for upholstery
6. Wooden trays for coffee tables